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2023 Vol. 44, No. 1
Published: 2023-01-28

1 Density Measurement of Pure Water by Hydrostatic Weighing
XU Hao-ming,WANG Jin-tao,LIU Xiang,ZHANG Jing-yue,LUO Zhi-yong,GU Ying-zi,WANG Si-xian,SUN Bin
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2023.01.01
The principle of density measurement by hydrostatic weighing method and the characteristic formula of pure water density in volume measurement were analyzed, and the calculation formula of liquid density measured by solid standard of known density was deduced. The weighing method assigned a value to the solid density standard silicon sphere, and the relative measurement uncertainty was 3×10-6 (k=2). Finally, using a high-precision liquid density measuring device at 20℃, the density of the solid standard (silicon sphere) was transferred to the density of pure water by static weighing method. Compared with the Tanaka model, the En value was 0.059, and the comparison results were equivalent. The experimental results not only verify the high-precision liquid density measurement device, but also verify the theoretical value of the 20℃ pure water density model.
2023 Vol. 44 (1): 1-5 [Abstract] ( 246 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (727 KB)  ( 378 )
6 Measurement of Spatial Distance between Falling Body′s Optical Center and Mass center for Absolute Gravimeters
Lü Kang,YU Ye,HUANG An-yi,Tian Yu,FENG Jin-yang,WANG Ruo-lin,YE Zi-wei
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2023.01.02
In order to accurately measure the distance between the center of mass and the optical center of the falling body of the gravimeter, and to reduce the influence of the rotation caused by the non-coincidence of the center of light and the center of mass on the measurement of the acceleration of gravity, a set of spatial distance measurement device for the falling body′s mass center and optical center was built. The calculation method of the distance between the optical center and the center of mass was proposed, and the feasibility of the scheme was verified through simulation. Test the falling body with the measuring device and numerical analysis shows that the measurement accuracy of the laser interferometer at the signal frequency of 0.3~0.5Hz is 0.1nm. The improved calculation method can make the measurement system′s class A uncertainty better than 10μm and maximum measurement error in adjustment is 1μm.
2023 Vol. 44 (1): 6-11 [Abstract] ( 182 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (3267 KB)  ( 257 )
12 A Method of Fault Diagnosis with Few Samples for Rolling Bearing Based on Time-Frequency Enhancement
HU Xiang-dong,LIANG Chuan,YANG Xi
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2023.01.03
Aiming at the problem of low fault diagnosis accuracy due to the scarcity of fault samples of rolling bearings and the difficulty in extracting vibration features, a fault diagnosis method of rolling bearings with few samples based on time-frequency enhancement is proposed. Firstly, one-dimensional vibration signals of rolling bearings are overlapped and sampled, and a two-dimensional time-frequency matrix is constructed by using continuous wavelet transform to map the sampled signals in time-frequency domain. Secondly, the real time-frequency samples are trained by deep convolutional generative adversarial network, and the generated time-frequency samples are added to the training set. Then, the time-series convolutional network is used to fuse the deep time-frequency domain features. Finally, Softmax classifier is constructed to output states corresponding to fault categories. Simulation experiment results show that under the condition of only 10 training samples, the method in the diagnosis of rolling bearing at case western reserve university data set average accuracy of 91.00%, compared with an enhanced time-frequency method is increased by 7.56%, and the time-frequency method is validated by the measured data can significantly improve the fault diagnosis accuracy of less sample circumstances.
2023 Vol. 44 (1): 12-20 [Abstract] ( 177 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (5641 KB)  ( 328 )
21 Method for Volume Calibration of Spirometer Syringes
REN Li-tai,GUO Li-gong,BAO Fu-bing,WANG Jin-tao,BAO Xue-song
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2023.01.04
A volume calibration method of spirometer syringes (hereinafter referred to as syringes) based on hydro-weighting method and combined with negative pressure principle is presented, and a calibration device for the volume of syringes is designed. During calibration, the medium (pure water) is pumped into the weighing cylinder by the negative pressure formed in syringes when the piston of syringes is pulled out. From the collected data such as ambient atmospheric pressure, medium mass and temperature, the capacity of syringes is calculated at 20°C. The volume measurement model is developed according to the volume measurement principle of syringes. The measured volume of a syringe is 3.00196L, and the uncertainty of measurement result is 9.6×10-4 (k=2). The research shows that the device meets the requirements of syringes capacity calibration and can realize rapid calibration.
2023 Vol. 44 (1): 21-25 [Abstract] ( 237 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1147 KB)  ( 291 )
26 Adaptive Step Size Informed-RRT* and Artificial Potential Field Algorithm for Hybrid Path Planning of Robot
ZHENG Wei,WANG Hao,WANG Hong-bin
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2023.01.05
In order to solve the path planning problem of mobile robot in the dynamic environment, a hybird strategy based on the global and local algorithms is proposed by combining the Informed RRT* and artificial potential field method. Firstly, the target offset method and adaptive step size method are designed in the process of informed RRT* random point selection to reduce the redundant search and unnecessary tree growth. Corridor optimization and time redistribution method are introduced to optimize the nodes of path for making the path more smooth.Secondly, the artificial potential field method based on subtarget points is employed for the local path planning, and the problem of easy to fall into local minimum and unreachable near the target point for the artificial potential field method is solved. The sub target point is set to make sure that the mobile robot can escape the local minimum and complete the mission. The simulation results show that the time to find a path in a static environment was 71.98% shorter by using adaptive step-length Informed-RRT* algorithm compared to the Informed-RRT* algorithm. Compared to the artificial potential field method,the search time and the path length are decreased 15.4% and 11.1%, respectively, by using the bybird algorithm.
2023 Vol. 44 (1): 26-34 [Abstract] ( 210 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (3119 KB)  ( 485 )
35 Study on Software Control of Atomic Force Microscope Measurement Based on Tuning Fork
LIU Lin-wei,GAO Si-tian,HUANG Lu,WANG Xue-ying,ZHU Min-hao,SUN Xiao-shuang
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2023.01.06
Based on the principle of the tuning fork atomic force microscope (AFM), a measuring control system in amplitude modulation mode was designed to satisfy the needs of experiment. The main function of the measuring control system was to approach the surface, maintain the position of the tip and measure the surface topography of the sample. The curves under different excitation voltages were obtained. The working range of the tip under 100mV, 200mV, 500mV and 1V excitation voltages was 4.7nm, 8.5nm, 12.1nm and 15.7nm, and the sensitivity was 0.0423V/nm, 0.0564V/nm, 0.0861V/nm and 0.0831V/nm. Using the control system to keep the working point position unchanged as far as possible, the positions curve of change was obtained. The positive deviation was 2.3nm, and the negative deviation was 1.3nm. The surface topography was measured by X-axis bidirectional scanning mode, that is, the surfaces information was measured in each round-trip process along the X-axis direction, the forward scanning and the reversed scanning data were calculated and processed respectively. The spacing error was 5.2nm and the height error was 0.3nm during the forward scanning, while the spacing error was 6.4nm and the height error was 0.5nm during the reversed scanning.
2023 Vol. 44 (1): 35-40 [Abstract] ( 142 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (2417 KB)  ( 139 )
41 Development of Multi-channel Dynamic Light Scattering Autocorrelator Based on FPGA
FANG Yu-qi,HUANG Lu,SUN Miao,GAO Si-tian,CAI Jin-hui
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2023.01.07
In order to improve the measurement efficiency and accuracy of multi-angle dynamic light scattering (MDLS) experiment, a multi-channel dynamic light scattering autocorrelator based on field programmable gate array (FPGA) is developed. The autocorrelator uses FPGA to sample photon pulse signals from four scattering angles at the same time, which realizes high-frequency pulse counting and autocorrelation calculation. A double counters module is designed to ensure high-frequency lossless counting. Dynamic data storage is realized by in-chip ring register combining with out-of-chip DDR3 chips. The correlation calculation module is designed by multi-tau correlator structure. The autocorrelation calculation results are transmitted through the USB communication module. Using the limited hardware resources of FPGA, the autocorrelator realizes multi-channel autocorrelation calculation, solves the storage problem of a large number of counting data, and improves the test efficiency of MDLS experiment. Polystyrene particles sized from 50nm to 200nm are used in MDLS experiment by the autocorrelator. The results are in good consistency with the nominal particle size of the sample, which shows that the system can effectively characterize the particle size.
2023 Vol. 44 (1): 41-48 [Abstract] ( 178 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (2605 KB)  ( 276 )
49 Sphericity Evaluation Method Based on Quick Search of Spherical Center
SHENG Dong-liang,HAO Juan,SHENG Qing-yuan,ZHAN Jian-liang
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2023.01.08
A sphericity evaluation method based on quick search of spherical center is proposed. Through the established mathematical model and search process, two concentric spheres and the center of the sphere are quickly searched and found. Firstly, use the least squares method to fit the center of the sphere to obtain the farthest point and the closest point from the sphere center to determine the direction of motion of the center of the sphere. Then search for the next center of the sphere in combination with the set step value. Finally, perform multiple iterations calculate until the sphericity meets the requirements. The experimental results show that the sphericity calculation error of the algorithm is less than 1μm, and the calculation efficiency is improved by 7 times, compared with the area search method. It can quickly realize accurate evaluation of sphericity error, meeting the needs of engineering applications.
2023 Vol. 44 (1): 49-53 [Abstract] ( 175 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1317 KB)  ( 103 )
54 Jellyfish Detection and Recognition Algorithm Based on Improved Faster R-CNN
GAO Mei-jing,LI Shi-yu,LIU Ze-hao,ZHANG Bo-zhi,BAI Yang,GUAN Ning,WANG Ping,CHANG Qiu-yue
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2023.01.09
A jellyfish detection algorithm based on improved Faster R-CNN is proposed. Firstly, a data set containing 7 species of jellyfishes is established. Secondly, on the premise of ensuring the accuracy, the number of branches C is set to 8 to solve the problem that ResNeXt (C=32) has a high amount of calculation for target detection. Finally, to solve the problems of low detection accuracy and small individuals unable to be recognized, expansion convolution is introduced into the residual network. The experimental results shown that compared with VGG16, ResNet101, ResNeXt (C=32) and ResNeXt (C=8), the mAP value of the proposed algorithm increase by 3.15%, 2.09%, 3.01% and 2.36%. F1-score increase by 2.53%, 1.99%, 2.01% and 2.31%. Loss function convergence value of the proposed algorithm approach to 0. Results of P-R curve, visual analysis and video detection show that the accuracy and detection number of jellyfish by the proposed algorithm is the best, the proposed algorithm has high detection accuracy and can meet the requirements of real-time monitoring.
2023 Vol. 44 (1): 54-61 [Abstract] ( 184 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (5807 KB)  ( 282 )
62 Research Progress of Acetylene Frequency Stabilized Laser Technology in 1.5μm Optical Fiber Communication Band
YANG Hua-peng,WANG Jian-bo,ZHANG Bao-wu,YING Cong,ZHANG Ming-yu,OUYANG Ye-feng,ZOU Jing-peng
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2023.01.10
The 1.5μm acetylene saturable absorption spectral line is the frequency reference standard officially recommended by the International Committee of Weights and Measures to reproduce the definition of ‘meter’ in the optical fiber communication band. Acetylene frequency stabilized laser can be divided into linear absorption and saturable absorption according to the frequency stabilization method. Compared with linear absorption, saturable absorption has the advantage of the doppler free, which makes the laser linewidth narrower, frequency stability and repeatability higher, the short-term frequency stability can reach the order of 10-13 and the wavelength drift is 10-12 magnitude. Relying on the 13C2H2 (ν1+ν3) P(16) spectral line, the microcell is expected to realize the all fiber link propagation of the frequency stabilized laser, providing a new development direction for the frequency stabilized laser source with high integration and strong anti-interference ability. High performance 1.5μm near-infrared frequency stabilized laser provides wavelength reference sources for dense wavelength multiplexing systems, precision optical fiber sensing, and other fields. Combing with femtosecond optical frequency comb technology,it can further improve the laser wavelength value transmission traceability system in optical communication, improve the measurement capability of the laser wavelength in the near-infrared band, and provide a quantitative guarantee for precise measurement in the optical fiber band.
2023 Vol. 44 (1): 62-72 [Abstract] ( 205 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (4495 KB)  ( 403 )
73 Flow Pattern Recognition Method of Gas-Liquid Two-Phase Flow Based on Multiple Empirical Mode Decomposition and Convolution Neural Network
ZHANG Li-feng,WANG Zhi
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2023.01.11
A flow pattern identification method of gas-liquid two-phase flow in vertical pipeline based on multiple empirical mode decomposition (MEMD) and convolution neural network (CNN) is proposed.Based on the measurement data collected by the digital electrical resistance tomography (ERT) system,MEMD analysis is carried out after preprocessing.By calculating the Pearson correlation coefficient between each component and the original signal,the eigenmode function (IMFs) is selected and the Hilbert marginal spectrum is solved.The standard deviation and mean value of Hilbert marginal spectrum are extracted as convolution neural network (CNN)input to identify the flow pattern.The results show that the method can effectively identify bubbly flow,slug flow and slug flow,and the average recognition accuracy can reach 96.43%.
2023 Vol. 44 (1): 73-79 [Abstract] ( 164 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (2921 KB)  ( 193 )
80 Calculation and Assignment Algorithm of Natural Gas Energy Based on Local Pipe Network
Lü Hai-zhou,YANG Jing-dong,LIU Wan-ying,GE Xian-fu
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2023.01.12
In the current process of natural gas custody transfer in our country, the measurement method is mostly volume measurement. This measurement method not only cannot meet the commodity transaction principle of natural gas price based on quality, high quality and good price, but also needs to rely on expensive chromatograph analysis. Natural gas energy metering can avoid the defects caused by volume metering, and at the same time, the metering method has high accuracy, and it has increasingly become the method of natural gas trade settlement in various countries in the world. Based on the assignment algorithm of natural gas energy measurement established by the local natural gas pipeline network, the natural gas energy within one week is predicted, and the predicted value is compared with the measured value. The relative error between the predicted value and the measured value is controlled at about 1.8440%, indicating that the established assignment algorithm can predict the calorific value of natural gas within a certain period of time.
2023 Vol. 44 (1): 80-87 [Abstract] ( 192 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (4498 KB)  ( 268 )
88 Multi-parameter Electromagnetic Tomography Based on Multi-source Information
ZHANG WEN-biao,ZHENG Xiao-yuan
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2023.01.13
Electromagnetic tomography technology (EMT) has become the hot topic in the field of industrial process tomography. However, the existing EMT uses the single detection signal to visualize the distributions of conductivity or permeability separately. A multi-parameter EMT method based on multi-source information is presented. As shown in simulation results, conductivity and permeability distribution imaging is realized by using the information of magnetic flux intensity and mutual inductance respectively. By calculating the root mean square error and the correlation coefficient of the reconstructed image, it is found that the quality of the reconstructed image is improved when the number of coils and magneto resistive sensors increases from 8 to 12. Through the threshold segmentation and RGB model, the image fusion of conductivity and permeability distributions is realized. By using the complementary characteristics of fused images, the quality of reconstructed images can be improved and the flow pattern ofgas-iquid-solid three-phase flow can be visualized, which proves the feasibility of multi-parameter EMT method based on multi-source information.
2023 Vol. 44 (1): 88-94 [Abstract] ( 126 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (5650 KB)  ( 197 )
95 Research on ECT Image Reconstruction Based on Improved Algorithm of SR3 Model
MA Min,GUO Xin
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2023.01.14
In order to solve the problem of discomfort in image reconstruction, a sparse relaxation regularized regression model (SR3) was proposed for ECT image reconstruction when capacitance tomography was applied to gas-solid two-phase flow detection. Soft threshold iteration method and gradient descent method were used as solvers for SR3 model, L1 and L2 penalty terms were added to SR3 model, and filter element was designed to optimize solution vector. Experimental results show that compared with Tikhonov regularization algorithm, L1 regularization algorithm and the original algorithm of SR3 model, the algorithm of improved SR3 model has significantly improved the reconstructed image accuracy, significantly reduced the relative error of the image, and has better imaging effect.
2023 Vol. 44 (1): 95-102 [Abstract] ( 153 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (4439 KB)  ( 269 )
103 Research on the Application of the Sound Insulation of Building Elements Intelligent Laboratory Measurement System
SHAO Jian-wen,ZHANG Zhi-kai,WU De-lin,LI Na,WU Jian,SANG Shuai-jun,QIU Jian-min
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2023.01.15
According to the traditional sound insulation measurement method of building elements, an sound insulation intelligent laboratory measurement system based on the internet of things was developed. By using of wireless measurement scheme, reducing the use of measurement equipment, developing intelligent mobile terminal measurement control software to meet the requirements of automatic and accurate measurement of sound insulation of building components, which made the sound insulation measurement more intelligent and convenient. The experimental measurement results show that the measuring equipment and system meet the requirements of JJF 1789—2020《Calibration specification for sound insulation measurement room》 and GB/T 19889.3—2005 《Acoustics-measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements-Part 3》, which can realize accurate and rapid measurement of sound insulation of building elements, and the measurement efficiency is also improved about one time, the optimal uncertainty of the sound insulation is 1.0dB.
2023 Vol. 44 (1): 103-108 [Abstract] ( 125 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1193 KB)  ( 173 )
109 Parameter Identification Model of Photovoltaic Module Based on Improved Manta Ray Optimization Algorithm
IAN Xian-zhong,WANG Peng,WANG Ru-zhi
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2023.01.16
In order to solve the problems of low parameter identification accuracy and poor stability in the current photovoltaic module model, a three-diode photovoltaic module parameter identification model (RLMRFO-TDM) based on manta ray foraging optimization algorithm and the refraction learning mechanism is proposed. The model integrates the differential evolution mechanism into the population updating link of MRFO algorithm, improves the local exploration ability of MRFO algorithm and speeds up the convergence speed of MRFO algorithm. The introduction of refraction learning mechanism improves the randomness of MRFO algorithm, the discreteness of population in the search area and the global search ability of MRFO algorithm. The benchmark function is used to verify the effectiveness of RLMRFO algorithm. The data sets of STP6-120/36 and STM6-40/36 photovoltaic modules are used to test the performance of parameter identification of RLMRFO-TDM model. Compared with other models, RLMRFO-TDM model has the best identification accuracy, stability and convergence speed.
2023 Vol. 44 (1): 109-119 [Abstract] ( 157 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (2610 KB)  ( 105 )
120 Bayesian Network Structure Learning for Node Order Optimization Based on Improved Genetic-Wolf Pack Algorithm
LIU Hao-ran,SU Zhao-yu,ZHANG Li-yue,WANG Nian-tai,FAN Rui-xing
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2023.01.17
Bayesian network is an important method in the field of data mining. The Bayesian network structure learning algorithm is easy to fall into the problem of local optimization and low efficiency. A Bayesian network structure learning algorithm based on improved hybrid genetic wolves group is proposed to optimize the node order. Firstly, the algorithm uses the depth-first search to rank the nodes of the largest supporting tree. Then, using dynamic mutation and optimal crossover operator to construct predator behavior that suitable for node order optimization. The algorithm introduces dynamic parameter factors to enhance the ability of local optimization. Finally, the optimal Bayesian network structure is obtained by combining with K2 algorithm. Experiments are performed on three different sizes of standard network data sets. The simulation results show that the algorithm has high optimization and the optimization efficiency is higher than other similar optimization algorithms.
2023 Vol. 44 (1): 120-126 [Abstract] ( 175 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (2345 KB)  ( 500 )
127 Research on the Factors Influencing the Calibration of Medical Diagnostic Half-value Layer Instrument
WEI Peng,WANG Jia-wei,LI De-hong,MA Bo-xuan,GUO Bin
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2023.01.18
The half-value layer measurement is required in various diagnostic X-ray radiation source verification regulations or calibration specifications, and half value layer measuring instruments are also widely used, but the calibration method of half value layer measuring instruments has not been clear. The main influencing factors in the calibration of the half value layer measuring instrument are discussed. The results show that the detector angle has the greatest influence on the measurement results. Therefore, the half value layer measuring instrument to be calibrated should be placed in the center of the test plane during calibration, and the angle deviation should not exceed ±1°.
2023 Vol. 44 (1): 127-131 [Abstract] ( 165 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (558 KB)  ( 125 )
132 The Group Theory Analysis of Benzene Vibration Mode
LIN Jun,MA Ruo-meng,MA Lu-yao,LIN Hong
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2023.01.19
Benzene (C6H6) is the main pollutant in the atmospheric and indoor environment, which can induce human leukemia, and it is one of the important monitoring substances for environmental protection emissions. Based on the group theory, a method for calculating the overtones spectra of benzene by analyzing normal vibration modes and spectral activity was established. The vibration frequencies of 30 vibration modes and their irreducible expressions were obtained by Gaussian software. Based on the symmetry species of combinations for D6, the vibration mode, spectral activity and spectral line position of the overtones frequency transition of benzene molecules were given, which provided a certain reference range and theoretical support for the subsequent accurate measurement of unknown spectral transition frequency of benzene molecules.
2023 Vol. 44 (1): 132-137 [Abstract] ( 231 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (629 KB)  ( 581 )
138 Research on Measurement of Curie Temperature of Alumel Ferromagnetic Materials
ZHOU Jin-yan,ZHANG Gui-jun,ZHANG Ying-yuan,HUA Xiu-bing,LIN Keng,HUANG Yan-jie,CHEN Ling
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2023.01.20
The Alumel ferromagnetic material, which has a stable Curie temperature, is usually used as a standard material for thermal analysis temperature calibration. The selection of the raw material of Alumel, the test of raw material composition, the influence of composition difference on the Curie temperature, and the measurement of Curie temperature method were systematically introduced. After the instrument was calibrated with traceable temperature certified reference materials, the indium melting point reference material was selected as the external standard according to the Curie temperature of Alumel, which made the Curie temperature traceable to SI units. The national certified reference material GBW(E)130668(Curie temperature: 161.6 ℃,U=2.1℃,k=2) was tested, and the test value was 161.8℃. The test result was within the uncertainty range of the certified value.
2023 Vol. 44 (1): 138-143 [Abstract] ( 161 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (808 KB)  ( 401 )
144 Development of Gas Reference Material of Trace Nitrogen Monoxide
HU Shu-guo,ZHANG Ti-qiang,YANG Liu-qing,DU Qiu-fang,WANG De-fa
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2023.01.21
Gas reference material of nitrogen monoxide in nitrogen at mole fractions of 0.100μmol/mol was developed by gravimetric method, the extended uncertainty was determined to be 10%. In the dilution gas purity analysis, the standard addition method was used to accurately determine the value of nitrogen monoxide in the purified high-purity nitrogen, which solved the problem of determining the value of trace gas reference materials. During the long-term stability inspection, it was found that the amount of trace nitric oxide in the gas cylinder decreased gradually with time, and the change range was 4%~8% within one year. Based on this result, factor analysis was conducted.
2023 Vol. 44 (1): 144-148 [Abstract] ( 198 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (863 KB)  ( 237 )
149 The Development of Single Cell Sequencing
ZHANG Yong-zhuo,FU Bo-qiang,NIU Chun-yan,GAO Yun-hua,WANG Jing
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2023.01.22
Single cell sequencing is a new technology which can sequence and analyze the related omics at the level of single cell. It can not only obtain the genetic information of single cell, but also solve the problem of multicellular heterogeneity. In the past decade, single cell research has developed from cell separation, amplification and sequencing to high-throughput single cell sequencing, and many new and efficient methods and platforms have emerged. The development process of single cell sequencing is reviewed. The advantages, disadvantages and applicability of different methods and commercial platforms are discussed, and the impact of single cell sequencing on biometrology is prospected.
2023 Vol. 44 (1): 149-156 [Abstract] ( 207 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (808 KB)  ( 855 )
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