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2020 Vol. 41, No. 3
Published: 2020-03-28

273 Recognition of Initial Position and Posture of Suspended Coil in Joule Balance
BAI Yang,WANG Da-wei,LI Zheng-kun,LU Yun-feng,XU Jin-xin,HE Qing
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2020.03.01
The Joule balance method is one of the methods to redefine and realize the kilogram based on the Plank constant. Considering the unideal initial position and gesture of the suspended coil, it hard to achieve an ideal balance between the electromagnetic force and weight gravity, and then alignment errors are produced. It is one of the largest uncertainty sources in the Joule balance. Based on the mechanism of the alignment errors and combined with mechanical and electromagnetic properties of the Joule balance, the model between the initial position and gesture of the suspended coil and its parasitic displacements is build up and analyzed. The theory will lay the foundation of restraining the alignment errors.
2020 Vol. 41 (3): 273-278 [Abstract] ( 297 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (521 KB)  ( 469 )
279 The New Vertical Calculable Cross-capacitor by Adoptingthe Novel Electrical Compensation Approach
HUANG Lu,YANG Yan,LU Zu-liang,WANG Wei
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2020.03.02
To compensate the end effect error in a vertical calculable cross-capacitor (VCCC) with a fixed and a movable guard electrode, an electrical compensation approach is adopted by the National Institute of Metrology, China (NIM). After continuous improvements and modifications, the latest optimal hollow active auxiliary electrode (OHAAE) was developed, which was different from a nosepiece used by other national institutes of metrology in the world, and its electrical performances including the compensation effectiveness, eccentricity effect and so on were investigated on the NIMs model capacitor device.Instead of the nosepiece, the latest OHAAE was successfully applied and the relative standard uncertainty of the reproduction of 1 pF capacitance unit from the new NIMs VCCC was 1.0×10-8.
2020 Vol. 41 (3): 279-283 [Abstract] ( 288 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1175 KB)  ( 551 )
284 The New Two Terminal Pair Capacitance Bridge at NIM
YANG Yan,HUANG Lu,WANG Wei,LU Wen-jun,LU Zu-liang
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2020.03.03
An improved two terminal-pair coaxial AC bridge with auto source balance was constructed at NIM for high precision capacitance measurement. The errors introduced by auto source balance in the bridge are at negligible level. The bridge can disseminate the calculable capacitance to 1 pF, and transmit capacitance from 1 pF to 100 pF. An improved bootstrap method to calibrate the IVD ratios was adopted. A minimum standard uncertainty 5×10-9 was achieved at 1 592 Hz. The two terminal-pair capacitance bridge was applied to participate in the international key comparison of 10 pF and 100 pF capacitance standards, the comparison results showed that NIM's comparison results for 10 pF and 100 pF achieved a very good agreement with the KCRVs (key comparison recommended value), which obtained the international mutual recognition.
2020 Vol. 41 (3): 284-289 [Abstract] ( 264 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1567 KB)  ( 257 )
290 Division of Electricity and Magnetism, National Institute of Metrology, Beijing 100029, China
ZHOU Tian-di,JIA Zheng-sen,WANG Lei,XU Xi-tong,PAN Xian-lin,SHI Zhao-min
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2020.03.04
According to the driving principle of SNS type two-way Josephson junction and the segmentation characteristics of the array, a balanced ternary driving algorithm was proposed to realize the fast calculation of the bias state of the two-way Josephson junction array.According to the bias state and combination of Josephson junction array, the voltage value of the two-way step wave AC quantum voltage was accurately synthesized by using the node voltage method.Finally, AC quantum voltage output with a minimum resolution of 2 knots and a valid bit of 15 bits was realized.The results of two-way AC quantum voltage mutual test showed that the maximum error of the synthesized AC quantum voltage was 0.06μV, and the phase difference between the two channels was 0.02μrad, which proved that the synthesized two-way AC quantum voltage has high amplitude accuracy and good phase synchronization.
2020 Vol. 41 (3): 290-295 [Abstract] ( 284 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1151 KB)  ( 192 )
296 Pulse High Current Calibration System
WANG Shu-qiang,ZHANG Jun-qi,CUI Shao-ying,WU Duan
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2020.03.05
In order to solve the problem of high pulse current calibration from 1 to 100kA, a high pulse current calibration system was established, and the research on high pulse current calibration and traceability technology were carried out. The calibration system consists of a high current pulse generator, a pulse shunt set, an optical fiber current sensor, a Rogowski coil current sensor, a broadband data acquisition system and a measurement software. The calibration system can be used to calibrate the pulsed high current generation/measurement system with pulse amplitude of 1~100kA and duration of 20μs~100ms. The calibration of Rogowski coil sensor, optical fiber current sensor and other measuring instruments can be carried out, and the calibration uncertainty is better than 1%.
2020 Vol. 41 (3): 296- [Abstract] ( 279 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (793 KB)  ( 298 )
301 Self-calibration of the Phase Angle Errors of RVDs with Serial-parallel Connection Structure
SHI Zhao-min,ZHANG Jiang-tao,PAN Xian-lin,SONG Ying
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2020.03.06
A set of coaxial resistive voltage dividers (RVDs) with serial-parallel connection was designed, and a new method was also proposed to calibrate phase angle errors of RVDs at frequencies up to 100 kHz.The method was mainly based on a special proportional relationship with the resistance and capacitance between two RVDs with identical structure.The absolute phase angle error of a RVD can be derived from the phase difference between the two RVDs.The RVD with ratio of 100:1 consisting of 100 Ω resistive elements was built and self-calibrated with the new method at frequencies from 400 Hz to 100 kHz.The measurement uncertainties was also evaluated.The standard uncertainty in phase angle error of the 1001 RVD consisting of 100 Ω resistive elements was within 30 μrad at 100 kHz.
2020 Vol. 41 (3): 301- [Abstract] ( 253 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1006 KB)  ( 202 )
306 Automatic Calibration System of Reference Level DC Standard Voltage Source
LI Jing-jing,WANG Qian-juan,SUN Zhi,JIN Hai-bin,LUO Chun-mei,HUANG Wen-yu
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2020.03.07
To calibrate high precision voltage source and simplify its calibration process, based on programmed low thermal potential switch matrix, an automatic calibration system for reference DC standard voltage source was developed. The composition of the system, the development of the low thermal potential switch matrix and the calibration method of the reference level DC standard voltage source were introduced. The uncertainty of the calibration system was also evaluated with DC voltage 100V reaching 2×10-6(k=2).
2020 Vol. 41 (3): 306-310 [Abstract] ( 278 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (501 KB)  ( 175 )
311 Research on Harmonic Voltage Measurement Method Based on Josephson Quantum Voltage
XU Xi-tong,JIA Zheng-sen,WANG Lei,ZHOU Tian-di,PAN Xian-lin,SHI Zhao-min
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2020.03.08
At present, Josephson quantum voltage is mostly used for the measurement of sinusoidal signals, and there is very little research on the harmonic signals. The feasibility of applying programmable Josephson voltage standard to harmonic measurements was investigated, in order to realize the harmonic voltage to the voltage quantum traceability .When using the staircase wave AC quantum voltage for harmonic voltage measurement, some data fluctuated greatly due to the transition process and the Gibbs phenomenon.If the data in the transition process is included in the Fourier transform, the recovered signal amplitude and phase will be distorted.To solve this problem, a new harmonic voltage calculation method, weighted Fourier transform was proposed.The method achieved accurate measurement of harmonic voltage by resetting the data weight in the transition process to zero. The experimental results showed that the amplitude and phase measurement results of harmonic voltage were ideal, the standard deviation of amplitude was less than 1 μV, and the standard deviation of phaseis was less than 15 μrad.
2020 Vol. 41 (3): 311-316 [Abstract] ( 287 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (684 KB)  ( 448 )
317 A New Method to Compare Two Shunt-TVC Combinations at Common Ground at Frequency up to 200 kHz
PAN Xian-lin,ZHANG Jiang-tao,SHI Zhao-min,SONG Ying,JIA Zheng-sen,WANG Rong-yu,DING Xiang
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2020.03.09
Compared with the traditional series connection method, a method based on binary reactance shunt for thermoelectric converter common ground comparison measurement is proposed, so that the AC current range extension can be achieved by series connection. The method was based on binary inductive current divider (BICD) to provide two currents and compare two shunt-TVC combinations directly at common ground.This method can reduce the influence of current leakage and tee connector in series connection. Based on the common ground measurement method, the measurement between two shunt-TVC combinations with 100 mA and 1 A current shunts was done respectively at frequencies up to 200 kHz. At the same time, the measurement of the traditional exchanging position method was carried out in the series mode. The experimental results showed that the measurement error caused by leakage current can be eliminated well based on BICD and exchanging position method, and the two different methods were consistent at 200 kHz, it were better than 3 μA/A. The consistency of AC conversion error of three different shunt-TVC combinations were better than 6 μA/A under the current of 10 mA~1 A.
2020 Vol. 41 (3): 317-321 [Abstract] ( 246 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1195 KB)  ( 138 )
322 Review Determination of the Elementary Charge e
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2020.03.10
The history of measuring electric charge and electromagnetic unit system was reviewed, and the signification that the elementary charge become member of International System of Unit was interpreted. The Coulombs law and Amperes law were two bridges to link mechanics and electromagnetism. Along with these two formulae, the electrostatic and the electromagnetic absolute unit systems were respectively grown up. The comer of the practical unit systems brought electromagnetism to have its own individual unit system, and chose current as basic quantity and fixed vacuum permeability, aimed at electromagnetic power to be equivalent mechanic power. The Millikans oil-drop is the only experiment to measure elementary charge value. Because of the low accuracy, the metrological standard system of electric charge have not been appeared. To define the value of elementary charge did not depend on the two constants of Josephsons KJ and von Klitzings RK, but came from the formula of fine structure constant, after the value of Planck constant was fixed. The role of vacuum permeability changed thoroughly after the elementary charge fixed, it had become a balance between two unit systems of electromagnetism and mechanics in the Amperes law.
2020 Vol. 41 (3): 322-327 [Abstract] ( 288 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1265 KB)  ( 592 )
328 Calibration Source of Static Charge Measuring Instrument Development
JIAO Hai-ni,WANG Yi-zhou,LI Jing-jing,SUN Wen,ZHANG Jun-qi
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2020.03.11
Static charge standard source use precision programmable voltage source and precision capacitor to produce high-precision static charge output, use negative feedback voltage automatically adjust to overcome the load capacitance and output voltage impact on the output charge amount to achieve the steady-constant output static charge, which is easy to verify the electrometers and charge amplifiers. The steady-state of this quasi-standard charge source has increased by 5 orders of magnitude over the traditional charge source. The static charge range of the standard source is 200pC~2μC, permissible error is 0.1%Qx+0.1pC, and equivalent source capacitor is 10-15F.
2020 Vol. 41 (3): 328-332 [Abstract] ( 293 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (427 KB)  ( 233 )
333 Research on High Voltage Pulse Calibration Device
YAN Xiao-jun,JIN Hai-bin,WANG Shu-qiang
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2020.03.12
In order to solve the problem of high voltage pulse calibration, the method of high voltage pulse calibration is studied, and the high voltage pulse calibration device is developed. The calibration device converts the high voltage pulse signal into a low pulse voltage, then through data acquisition system, the software for measuring the pulse voltage is compiled, which can measure the pulse voltage in the range of 1V to 1600V between 10Hz to 1kHz. The high voltage pulse calibration device will get key parameters of the pulse voltage including voltage amplitude, pulse frequency, pulse width, rise time and fall time. Also the calibration device is tested by laboratory standard instruments, and the measurement error of pulse amplitude is 0.02%~0.4%.
2020 Vol. 41 (3): 333-338 [Abstract] ( 298 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1088 KB)  ( 230 )
339 Design of Dynamic Parameter Testing System for Satellite Power
SUN Chen-xin,JIN Hai-bin,DING Ming-li,YAN Xiao-jun
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2020.03.13
In view of the disadvantages of low automation level, low accuracy, poor data recording and analysis ability in the test of dynamic parameters of satellite power supply system, a set of dynamic parameters test system of power supply was designed. The solar cell simulator and electronic load were used to simulate the output of solar sail and the power consumption change of load when the satellite is in orbit, and high-speed acquisition card was cooperated with to develop dynamic characteristics measurement unit and other modules, the power supply system and dynamic parameter test system ofthe satellite were built and tested. The relative uncertainty of bus voltage measurement and ripple measurement results were less than 0.1%.
2020 Vol. 41 (3): 339-343 [Abstract] ( 249 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (586 KB)  ( 483 )
344 A Signal Demodulation Algorithm Based on Hilbert Transform and Its Application in Aircraft Power Supply System Characteristic Parameters Testing
LI Xiao-zhou,JIN Hai-bin
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2020.03.14
In the test of aircraft power supply systems characteristic parameters, voltage modulation amplitude, frequency modulation amplitude and distortion spectrum are important parameters. A digital demodulation algorithm based on Hilbert transform was introduced to test these parameters, which can demodulate the sampling signal to get the modulation waveform. A characteristic parameters testing system for aircraft power supply was built to sample and analyze the aircraft power supply signal. An experiment was designed to prove that the testing system can meet the requirements of aircraft power supply testing.
2020 Vol. 41 (3): 344-348 [Abstract] ( 296 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1593 KB)  ( 413 )
349 Ring Electrode Design for Resistivity Test of Thin Film Materials
GUO Bei-chen,CHEN Shao-hua,WANG Shu-qiang,CAI Jian-zhen,SUN Chao,WANG Wei
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2020.03.15
To study resistivity test of high resistivity thin film materials for spacecraft, based on the simulation analysis of the existing design method of ring electrode for high-resistance resistivity test, combined with the mathematical model derivation, a methed of design value for a ring electrode effective test width and size was proposed, and a ring electrode device for spacecraft thin film material measurement was desighed. Through the experiment, the surface resistivity and volume resistivity of the film material for spacecraft were measured, and the margin of indication error was controlled within 9%.It can be applied to the resistivity test of composite material for spacecraft with a volume resistivity of 105~1018Ω·cm.
2020 Vol. 41 (3): 349-353 [Abstract] ( 285 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1946 KB)  ( 523 )
354 Signal Characteristics of the Laser-pumped Cesium-Helium Magnetometer
FU Ji-qing,HE Qing,ZHANG Wei
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2020.03.16
The magnetic resonance signal characteristics of cesium-helium magnetometer (CHM) based on laser pumping was studied. By pumping cesium atoms with a narrow-line-width laser, the magnetometer achieved 12.3A/T current-magnetic field conversion efficiency, which is 13.5 times greater than the CHM based on the discharge lamp pumping. The “power broadening” was eliminated by indirect pumping. By analyzing the data and the theoretical value of the line width, it was concluded that the maximum broadening factor comes from the pulsed excitation. By measuring the background noise of the light source, magnetic field, photoelectric sensor and circuit, the largest noise source of the magnetometer was determined to be the light source and magnetic field, and the optimal light intensity was obtained by taking the magnetic field resolution as the optimization target. The magnetic field resolution of the cesium-helium magnetometer can reach 0.05nT.
2020 Vol. 41 (3): 354-358 [Abstract] ( 314 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1589 KB)  ( 576 )
359 Development of BeiDou Taming Rubidium Frequency Standard Device Based on FPGA
WANG Ya-jun,ZHANG Lei,GU Yang,HUANG Yan,KANG Ting-ting
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2020.03.17
In order to improve the accuracy and stability of the rubidium atomic clock frequency, equipment with multi output GNSS taming rubidium atomic frequency standard is designed based on FPGA technology. The taming and time tracking and synchronization of the rubidium atomic frequency are realized by the method of measuring the time interval using the rough and the fine measurements. Modular design and programming are used to improve the generality and transferability of the device.The data of rubidium atomic clock before and after taming were compared and tested many times taking the time and frequency of cesium atomic clock as reference. The results show that the relative accuracy of the device frequency reaches 1.5×10-13 and relative stability runs up to 6.97×10-13. Compared with before taming, the accuracy and stability of rubidium atomic clock frequency have been greatly improved the device not only improves the performance key parameters of rubidium atomic clock, but also broadens its applicability.
2020 Vol. 41 (3): 359-362 [Abstract] ( 360 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (765 KB)  ( 472 )
363 Comparison among Algorithms for International Atomic Time
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2020.03.18
The algorithm for the international atomic time(TAI) is an important factor to guarantee the reliability, long-term frequency stability, frequency accuracy and accessibility of the scale. Several classical and most popular algorithms of atomic time scale were reviewed and introduced . ALGOS, Kalman, and AT1 algorithms were explained and mathematically analyzed. By comparing these three algorithms, it was concluded that main idea of ALGOS and AT1 is weighting average. AT1 is a real-time scale and ALGOS is a deferred-time scale. The influence of noises can be better dealt with by Kalman and Kalman is more applicable for satellite navigation system.
2020 Vol. 41 (3): 363-368 [Abstract] ( 379 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (558 KB)  ( 558 )
369 Research of Testing Technology for App-based Ride-hailing Calculating Mileage and Time Based on Satellite Positioning
KANG Ting-ting,ZHANG Lei,WANG Yue-tong,HUANG Yan,WANG Ya-jun
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2020.03.19
To analysis the error sources of app-based ride-hailing calculating mileage and time, 6 different scenes and 4 different app-based ride-hailing service platform calculating mileage and time data are tested in the microwave anechonic chamber environment. The results show that the timing error meets the stipulated requirements, on the highway, around the airport, due to the relatively good satellite signal, the mileage error is -0.4% to 1.6%, while in urban roads, railway stations and industrial parks, due to the interference of buildings and other environments, especially between urban roads, due to passing through the tunnel, with the disappearance of signals on some road sections, the mileage error is -0.4% to 5.5%. In high-speed auxiliary roads, the signal was not continuous, and the mileage error is 2.4% to 8.4%.
2020 Vol. 41 (3): 369-373 [Abstract] ( 257 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (533 KB)  ( 251 )
374 Research on 2-order Time-delay Systems Based on Iterative Learning Control
ZHAN Yu-zhi,LIANG Cheng-bin,ZHANG Qing-fang
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2020.03.20
For the process of systems characterized by 2-order delay differential equation, using the exact solution expressed by the delayed matrix sine and cosine an iterative learning control algorithm is designed to control the output of systems tracking to the desired output. A sufficient condition for output of delay systems converge to a given desired output with the increase number of iterations is given. And through iteration, the optimal control input can be obtained. The experimental results of the numerical simulation show that the designed iterative algorithm can make the output of the system converge to the desired output with the increase of the number of iterations, and the validity of the proposed method is verified.
2020 Vol. 41 (3): 374-378 [Abstract] ( 244 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (972 KB)  ( 240 )
379 Antenna Design and Application in X-Band Airborne Radiation Measurement
JING Hong,HAO Wen-xi,LIU Ying-jun,ZONG Zi-jian,LIU Min
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2020.03.21
A microstrip circularly polarized array antenna with low axial ratio was designed to decrease the measurement uncertainty caused by polarization mismatch. The 3dB beam width of the antenna was about 45°at 9.7GHz, the axial ratio was as low as 0.1dB at 9.7GHz. The antenna power capacity was greater than 1.5kW, and the axial ratio deviation was less than 0.1dB between temperature of 26℃ and -6℃. With this antenna, the uncertainty of polarization mismatch can be reduced to less than 0.1dB. It has strong environmental adaptability and it is suitable for accurate measurement of X-band airborne radiation field.
2020 Vol. 41 (3): 379-382 [Abstract] ( 238 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (646 KB)  ( 285 )
383 Research on Satellite Solar Sensor Simulator Calibration Technology
WANG Kai,TONG Lei,YIN Cong-ru,LIU Min,TANG You-dong,LI Zheng
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2020.03.22
According to the technical requirements of the satellite attitude and orbit control subsystem semi-physical simulation system, a calibration device for the solar sensor simulator is described. The calibration device uses FPGA and AVR microcontroller as the control core, micro-board computer to simulate dynamic computer, which uploads and downloads instructions through the network port. What’s more, the calibration device builts signal conditioning circuit, high-precision acquisition module, data solving module inside, etc. The calibration device is highly integrated, which replaces the complex calibration system composed of digital instruments and dynamics computers, effectively reduces the cost, improves the efficiency by about 40%, and realizes the fast online calibration of the solar sensor simulator in the whole process.
2020 Vol. 41 (3): 383-387 [Abstract] ( 287 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (659 KB)  ( 155 )
388 Uncertainty Calculation for Arbitrary Order Polynomial Least-square Fitting and Analysis of the Best Fitting Order
XU Jin-xin,YOU Qiang
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2020.03.23
A matrix-calculation method for evaluating the uncertainty of the polynomial fitting data is derived and the properties of this method are studied by simulation. Based on this, the optimal fitting order can be obtained with minimum fitting uncertainty. The optimal fitting order obtained in the simulation is the same as that of the original function of the simulation model. Hence, the effectiveness of this method is verified.
2020 Vol. 41 (3): 388-392 [Abstract] ( 399 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (467 KB)  ( 489 )
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