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2011 Vol. 32, No. z1
Published: 2011-12-22

1 The Application of Ionizing Radiation Metrology in Nuclear Power Plant
YANG Yuan-di,LIANG Jun-cheng,WANG Kun,LI De-hong
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2011.z1.01
The applications of ionizing radiation metrology in nuclear power plant are reviewed, such as the reactor control nuclear instrument, radiation protection instrument, environmental monitoring instrument, especially for the manufacture of standard source for gaseous effluent, the calibration of whole body counter measurement system, the monitoring of weakly penetrating radiation.The traceability needs of the monitoring for high energy of 6.13 MeV γ-ray dose, the calibration for high-dose range γ-ray instrument, the monitoring of reactor neutron flux and the distribution of neutron dose in staff channels are also described.
2011 Vol. 32 (z1): 1-4 [Abstract] ( 502 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (309 KB)  ( 621 )
5 The Gross α and/or β Activity Measurement of Environmental Levels
CHEN Jing,LIU Hao-ran,FANG Chao,YANG Yuan-di
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2011.z1.02
An low-background α and/or β measuring instrument was developed which can measure the gross α and/or β activity of environmental levels.A plastic scintillator was choosed as sensor and anti-coincidence technique was used to lower the background.Because of being equipped with six separate low-background α,β main detector,the instrument is to measure six samples simultaneously and give the gross β and/or α activity.The experiment results indicate that90Sr-90Y β 2π counting efficiency ratio is 50% with a background of 0.9cm/min1,239Pu α 2π counting efficiency ratio is 80% with a background of 0.008 cm/min.
2011 Vol. 32 (z1): 5-8 [Abstract] ( 549 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (471 KB)  ( 429 )
9 The Establishment of Radiation Primary Standard in the Range of Low Energy X-rays
WU Jin-jie,WANG Pei-wei,DUAN Xiao-juan,LI Bing,YANG Yuan-di
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2011.z1.03
The radiation equipment for air-kerma primary standard in the range of low-energy X-rays is established.The results of experiment show that the diameter of the radiation field is more than 40 mm within 1% non-uniformity.The distance from the source to the reference plane is 1 000 mm.Radiation qualities recommend by CCRI are established.The half value layer(HVL)and the homogeneity coefficient are obtained by measuring the curve of x-rays attenuation.This low-energy X-rays radiation equipment and research results are the important base of establishing primary standard,realization of air-kerma and the APMP key comparison in the range of low-energy X-rays(APMP.RI(I)-K2).
2011 Vol. 32 (z1): 9-13 [Abstract] ( 473 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1186 KB)  ( 500 )
14 The Initial Design of the Reference Radiation Facility Based on the Clinical Linear Accelerator
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2011.z1.04
The requirements for the site,technical performance,acceptance methods and ancillary equipments of the clinical linear accelerator (LINAC) used as a reference radiation differ from that of the commercial type.The project design of the reference radiation field was finished.The special requirements and acceptance methods were proposed according to the requirements for the primary standard of absorbed dose to water and dissemination of the quantity combined with the IEC and national standards for the LINAC.
2011 Vol. 32 (z1): 14-17 [Abstract] ( 506 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (597 KB)  ( 475 )
18 Calibration Method of γ-ray Reference Radiation Field with Low Air Kerma Rate
LI De-hong,HUANG Chen-wei,WU Hui-li,LI Xing-dong,WU Meng-meng
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2011.z1.05
In order to verify whether the use of large volume ionization chamber can measure the low rate of reference air kerma radiation dose rate,a calibrated high pressure ionization chamber and atmospheric pressure ionization chamber were used to measure in reference radiation field produced by different activity Cs-137 source, the difference between the two measurements is less than 0.8%, the difference between the calculated values obtained by quadratic approximation formula and measured values is less than 0.3%. In addition, through verifying the radiation field by the inverse square law,the scattering share of the radiation field was measured by the shadow mask method,and the results show that the radiation field can meet the requirements of ISO-4037.
2011 Vol. 32 (z1): 18-21 [Abstract] ( 587 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (639 KB)  ( 517 )
22 Ionizing Radiation Dosimeter Used in Radiotherapy
WANG Kun,YANG Xiao-yuan,ZHANG Hui,YANG Yuan-di
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2011.z1.06
The desirable characteristics of dosimeters used in radiotherapy were reviewed, including ionization chamber, film, luminescence, semiconductor, plastic scintillator, diamond,and polymer gel dosimeters.The accuracy and precision, linearity, dose rate dependence, energy response, directional dependence and spatial resolution of the radiation dosimeters were compared.And the advantage and disadvantage of the characteristics of the different dosimeters were further described.
2011 Vol. 32 (z1): 22-25 [Abstract] ( 790 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (670 KB)  ( 1217 )
26 Activity Measurement of 18F with TDCR-LS Methods
LIU Hao-ran,LIU Jia-cheng,LIANG Jun-cheng,YANG Yuan-di,YUAN Da-qing
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2011.z1.07
As an important short half-life radionuclide,the 18F is widely used in nuclear medicine for positron emission tomography(PET).It disintegrates to 18O by β+ emission(96.86%)and electron capture(3.14%).Since the very high detection efficiency of β+ decay branch in the liquid scintillation counter,the radioactive solution of 18F has been standardized by TDCR-LS method.The results indicate that the detection efficiency of β+ emission in Ultima GoldTM AB cocktail is close to 1 and the uncertainty of 18F by TDCR-LS method is equal to 0.6%(k=2).
2011 Vol. 32 (z1): 26-29 [Abstract] ( 611 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (843 KB)  ( 811 )
30 CR39 Fast/Thermal Neutron Personal Dosimeter Used in IM for Occuptional External Exposure
CAO Lei,DENG Jun,ZHANG Gui-ying,LIU Yun-hong,GUO Wen,HU Ai-ying
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2011.z1.08
Neutron personal dose monitoring is an important part of external monitoring for occupational exposure. From neutron detecting theory of CR39 and dosimeter structure points of view, experiments regarding energy response and angle response as well as dose equivalent response of CR39 neutron personal dosimeter against neutron emitted by Am-Be were carried out. Results show that neutron flux sensitivity strongly depends on the energy and incident angle of neutron. The critical angle of 64° for incident neutron and neutron dose equivalent sensitivity of about 2.14×10-4tracks/(n·cm2) are obtained. The externally-assigned response of CR39 detector is improved through increasing the track density by using the α particle induced by the reaction of 10B(n,α)7Li with the BN as pre-recoil layer, and the increase is vilified by using both Monte-Carlo simulation and experiment exposed by standard neutron source. The personal dosimeter have the ability to distinguish fast/thermol neutrons.
2011 Vol. 32 (z1): 30-32 [Abstract] ( 603 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (420 KB)  ( 601 )
33 Influence of the Positioner Installing to Burnup Measurement
ZHANG Ming,YAN Wei-hua,ZHANG Li-guo,XIAO Zhi-gang,YANG Yuan-di
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2011.z1.09
In order to improve the benefits of nuclear power plants and make full use of the nuclear fuels, it is necessary to perform the on-line nondestructive burnup measurement to the fuel pebbles from the high temperature gas-cooling reactor.Numerical calculations are carried out to simulate the absorptions of positioner materials on γ-rays.By analyzing the calculated results, it reveals that design parameters of the perforation can bring a larger variation to the intensity of radiations emitting from the positioned and further affect the on-line burnup measurement; Moreover, the intensity of radiations is not sensitive to the deviation between the positioner and perforation in the vertical direction.
2011 Vol. 32 (z1): 33-35 [Abstract] ( 513 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (446 KB)  ( 515 )
36 Primary Standards Participated in BIPM RI(I)-K5 Comparison
WU Meng-meng,LI De-hong,YANG Yuan-di
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2011.z1.10
The analysis and comparison of the geometric parameters, the correction factors and the method to determine the correct factor of 137Cs air kerma primary standard which participated the 137Cs air kerma key comparison BIPM RI (I)-K5,organized by International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM) , will provide useful reference about the design in ionization chamber, the measurement of correction factors and the method of simulation for our national primary standard of air kerma for 137Cs gamma-rays.
2011 Vol. 32 (z1): 36-40 [Abstract] ( 459 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (507 KB)  ( 483 )
41 The Application of Detective Quantum Efficient in Calibration of Digital Radiography
LU Xiang,ZHANG Jun-yi
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2011.z1.11
The application of detective quantum efficient in calibration of digital radiography is described.Detective quantum efficient gives an indication of the system effectiveness in detecting X-ray beam and faithfully reproducing medical image by the flat panel detector,so the measurement of the detective quantum efficiency has been a link between X-ray beam and image reproduced by the flat panel detector.The experiment result has proved that some important performance about the flat panel detector of digital radiography can be found by the measurement of the detective quantum efficiency.
2011 Vol. 32 (z1): 41-44 [Abstract] ( 527 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (943 KB)  ( 603 )
45 Investigation of the Diagnostic X-ray RQR Series Establishment
GUO Bin,FAN Cheng
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2011.z1.12
On basis of the "The measurement standard of public service for the medical diagnostic X-ray dosimeters calibration" at National Institute of Metrology of China and according to the requirement in IEC61267—2005 reports, the method for establishing the measurement standard of the new medical diagnostic X-ray dosimeters calibrating conditions is investigated . Two key problems for the calibrating conditions establishment are presented,using invasive measurement of X-ray tube voltage in medical diagnostic radiology to determine the practical peak voltage (PPV) and determination of the RQR series. The first measurement standard of the medical diagnostic X-ray dosimeters calibration is established in China, which meets the requirements of IEC61267—2005 reports. It provides the essential insurance for the accuracy and reliability of quantity values of the nuclear medical diagnostic X-ray equipment within China.
2011 Vol. 32 (z1): 45-47 [Abstract] ( 564 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (350 KB)  ( 935 )
48 Preliminary Experimental Research on Electron Equilibrium for Calibration of Thermoluminescent Detector
LI De-hong,LI Xing-dong,WU Meng-meng,YANG Yuan-di
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2011.z1.13
TLD are widely used in environmental radiation monitoring and personal dose monitoring.To ensure the accuracy of TLD calibration in the radiation field, especially when the high-energy γ-rays are used,the front surface of TLD is supposed to be covered by electronic balance material.Through a series of experiments on the PMMA of different thickness as electronic balance material used to be covered on the front surface of TLD in different radiation fields, it is discovered the PMMA of certain thickness must be needed in Co-60 radiation field,while in the Cs-137 radiation field, the PMMA is relative thin.
2011 Vol. 32 (z1): 48-50 [Abstract] ( 450 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (504 KB)  ( 617 )
51 The Affect of X-rays Tube Parameters Simulated by EGSnrc on Low-energy Spectrum
DUAN Xiao-juan,WU Jin-jie,YANG Yuan-di
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2011.z1.14
The initial energy spectrum of X-rays tube was studied.On the basis of the theoretical analysis, Monte-carlo simulation program (EGSnrc) is adopted to simulate the low-X rays energy spectrum, which is affected by the focus size of X-ray, anode materials, angle, thickness and radius of the target.The results show that the influence of focus size on energy spectrum will be stabilized within 1% along with the increase of energy; the atomic number of target material is higher, the greater the strength of the spectral lines; the average energy of spectrum will be reduced along with the increase of anode target angle. When target thick is greater than electronic range the influence of target thick can be ignored and the larger target area will cause the photon loss.
2011 Vol. 32 (z1): 51-53 [Abstract] ( 622 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (620 KB)  ( 1099 )
54 Dosimetry Measurements During the Commission of the UELR-10-10s Linear Electron Accelerator
ZHANG Yan-li,GONG Xiao-ming,XIA Xuan
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2011.z1.15
In order to establish the standards of the absorbed dose to water in electron beams for radiation processing level, an electric reference radiation facility based on the UELR-10-10s linear electron accelerator and the carrier systems is put into operation.Its main metrological technical parameters are measured under different operating conditions.The electron beam energy is determined with the methods of the depth-dose distribution measurements in homogeneous materials.The scanning width and homogenety is measured with film and dichromate dosimeters.Nominal dose measurements are performed with polystyrene calorimeter and dichromate dosimeter.
2011 Vol. 32 (z1): 54-57 [Abstract] ( 524 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (522 KB)  ( 791 )
58 The Development of the Co-C Eutectic High-temperature Fixed-point
WANG Jian-hua,XIAO Chang-zhi,DONG Wei,WANG Tie-jun,LIU Zhi-feng
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000.1158.2011.z1.16
A new construction method based on an extended graphite sleeve and pre-forming eutectic is describedIn order to improve the temperature gradient along the HTFP cell and avoid thermal stress concentration in the process of phase transition, the crucible is designed hybrid structure, namely, placing the high purity graphite foil with anisotropic thermal conductivity between the graphite sleeve and crucible.Meanwhile it can reduce the filling times effectively which can decrease the introduced external contaminants by using the extended graphite sleeve.CCT-WG5 (Consultative Committee for Thermometry, Working Group 5: Radiation Thermometry) for the definition of thermodynamic temperature with the highest level of Co-C eutectic HTFP demands the repeatability is better than 20 mK and the difference between the initial temperature and the end temperature of melting is less than 120 mK.A new Co-C eutectic HTFP was constructed based on the new filling method, and the preliminary results show that the phase transition temperature is 1324.054oC, short-term repeatability is better than 9 mK, and the difference between the initial temperature and the end temperature of melting is less than 110 mK, which meet the CCT-WG5 requirements for the HTFPs.
2011 Vol. 32 (z1): 58-61 [Abstract] ( 502 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (827 KB)  ( 379 )
62 Study on Approximating the ITS-90 Temperature Scale with Industrial Platinum Resistance Thermometers
JIN Zhi-jun,ZHANG Jin-tao,ZHANG Zhe
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2011.z1.17
For industrial-type platinum resistance thermometer (IPRTs), the most-used interpolation model (resistance versus temperature ) is based on the Callendar- Van Dusen (CVD) equation,and standard platinum resistance thermometer (SPRT) with interpolation equation based on the ITS-1990 .There are difference between CVD equation and ITS-1990.The experiment results show, it is feasible to use ITS-1990 interpolation methords for IPRTs.There are more uniformity and accuracy with ITS-1990 than that with CVD equation.
2011 Vol. 32 (z1): 62-65 [Abstract] ( 542 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (913 KB)  ( 626 )
66 Development and Evaluation of Re-C Eutectic High Temperature Fixed Point
DONG Wei,XIAO Chang-zhi,WANG Tie-jun,DUAN Yuan-yuan
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2011.z1.18
A Re-C cell of hybrid structure was constructed by direct eutectic filling methods,and realized with the HTFP experimental system.The Re-C cell was evaluated according to CCT-WG5-WP2,which mainly focus on construction of HTFP cells for definitive thermodynamic temperature measurements,and the results shows that the short term repeatability of the melting temperature was 3 mK,and the difference between the start and end of melting temperature was 198mK,which were both better than the CCT reference values.
2011 Vol. 32 (z1): 66-69 [Abstract] ( 457 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (768 KB)  ( 342 )
70 Study on Laser Flash Method Thermal Diffusivity Meter for the Interference Temperature Measurement
ZHANG Ke,SUN Jian-ping,DENG Jian-bing
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2011.z1.19
The operation principle of the laser flash method thermal diffusivity meter is described.The possible sources of interference of the temperature measurement system is analyzed, and the anti-jamming measures was taked.By comparing the test, the obtained practical of results ware verified.
2011 Vol. 32 (z1): 70-73 [Abstract] ( 414 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (549 KB)  ( 313 )
74 Research on the Temperature Standard for the Thermometer Sensor Pair of Heat Meter
QIU Ping,XIE Li,WANG chi
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2011.z1.20
Temperature standard instruments are studied for the temperature sensor pair of heat meter. Two grade B industrial platinum resistance thermometers (IPRTs) are tested. The experiments showed that the stability of high precise IPRT is 3 mk in the temperature range from 0 ℃ to 90 ℃ per year.The resistance drifts of the IPRTs were eliminated by using W value calculation and the accuracy of the calibration is improved.
2011 Vol. 32 (z1): 74-76 [Abstract] ( 524 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (374 KB)  ( 412 )
77 The Calibration Methods of CTD in Laboratory
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2011.z1.21
The categories and operating principle of conductivity temperature and depth (CTD) meter commonly used in the current investigation of marine environment in China are introduced. And the calibration procedure of CTD meter is discussed, including the preparatory work before calibration, implementing calibration process, and data collection. According to the original value of the equipment be able to obtain, the CTD meters are divided into two categories and demonstrate data processing by EXCEL.Direct data regression is taken for the CTD meter which only displays indication.These data were fit with original value and real value for the other type meter.The fit curve and the calibration formula was got at last.
2011 Vol. 32 (z1): 77-81 [Abstract] ( 582 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1593 KB)  ( 1533 )
82 Test Method and Software Realization of Integration Arithmetic for Multipath Ultrasonic Flowmeter
MENG Tao,HU He-ming,ZHANG Ze-hong,XU Yi-ting
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2011.z1.22
'Black box test’ is an inspection method of integration arithmetic that directly checks the integral result and ignored the detailed algorithm, and its standard value can be acquired by building a theory flow distribution.That inspection method can be implemented by developing a computer program whose software flowchart and numerical algorithms is introduced.It is showed that the proposed method has solved the problem that unknownintegral model can’t be inspected.The feasibility of this method is demonstrated through comparing test data with available integral inspection method.
2011 Vol. 32 (z1): 82-86 [Abstract] ( 476 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1013 KB)  ( 812 )
87 The Establishment of Installation Effect Database for Multipath Ultrasonic Flowmeters
HU He-ming,MENFG Tao,ZHANG Liang,WANG Chi
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2011.z1.23
An installation effect database for multipath ultrasonic flowmeters based on CFD flow filed has been established.The extra errors under different installation conditions can provided to guide the flowmeter selection and designing downstream of installations, and the path velocity distributions under different installation conditions can be also provide for the flowmeter daily check.The installation effects database is easy to use for engineers while the CFD is difficult to carry out.
2011 Vol. 32 (z1): 87-90 [Abstract] ( 533 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (776 KB)  ( 502 )
91 Study on the Accuracy of 18-path Ultrasonic Flowmeter Used in DN1000 Three Gorges Power Plant Penstock Model
ZHANG Liang,MENG Tao,WANG Chi,LIU Wen-sheng,HU He-ming
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2011.z1.24
DN1000 Three Gorges power station penstock model experiment was conducted in Kaifeng national large water flow facility to research on the measurement accuracy of 18-path ultrasonic flowmeter.The measurement errors are obtained, which verified the flowmeter had high measurement accuracy even in a complex flow field.The flow field in model penstock was inferred by analyzing the flow velocity distribution obtained from flowmeter.Measurement errors were not sensible to installation angle and average flow velocity.The reliability of the model experiment would be enhanced by using Computational fluid dynamic (CFD)-aided design.
2011 Vol. 32 (z1): 91-95 [Abstract] ( 652 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (370 KB)  ( 390 )
96 Study on Freeze-thaw Cycles on Taqman MGB Stability
ZANG Chao,WANG Jing,LI Liang,SUI Zhi-wei,YU Xiao-bo,LI Peng
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2011.z1.25
The stability of Taqman MGB probes is crucial for the accuracy of qPCR quantification. However, the stability is easy to be affected by multi freeze thawing process of transportations, storage surroundings and usage conditions. The freeze thawing stability of MGB probe is quantified measured by HPLC and the influence to qPCR is evaluated with multi freeze thawing probes. The results show that a 30-time freeze thawing process is tolerable for MGB probes. QPCR quantitation accuracy decreases together with probe concentration. Therefore, reducing freeze thawing process of MGB probes is offered to keep the stability of MGB probes when experiments.
2011 Vol. 32 (z1): 96-100 [Abstract] ( 920 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (476 KB)  ( 1159 )
101 Preparation of Reference Materials of Transgenic Rice KMD
YU Xiao-bo,YE Zi-hong,SUI Zhi-wei,LI Liang,ZANG Chao,WANG Jing
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2011.z1.26
The preparation system of matrix reference materials transgenic rice KMD is established. 4 levels of matrix reference materials which contained KMD powder such as 0.5%, 1%, 2%, 5% are prepared by mass ratio. The results show that, the water content of positive KMD powder and negative Xiushui11 powder is 3.288% and 4.039% respectively and the diameter is less than 200 μm. The detection result of labeling gold powder also show that 4 levels of matrix reference materials have well blended. The preparation system of reference materials of KMD is satisfied with matrix reference materials requirements and lay a foundation for the development in the detection and research of long stability and certified value.
2011 Vol. 32 (z1): 101-105 [Abstract] ( 487 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (550 KB)  ( 615 )
106 Cooperative Verification of the Value of GM Soybean Mon89788 Matrix Reference Materials
ZHAG Ling,SHENG Ling-hui,WANG Jing,CAO Ying-long,LIU Fang-fang,SUI Zhi-wei,LU Chang-ming
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2011.z1.27
Three levels of genetically modified soybeans Mon89788 matrix reference material are developed. Genetically modified soybean genomic DNA extraction and quantitative PCR of transgenic components methods are researched. A multi-laboratory verification and uncertainty evaluation are carried out too.The analysis of multi-laboratory value verification shows that in three different levels of genetically modified soybean Mon89788 reference materials, the transgenic gene / endogenous genes reference value and uncertainty is 0.35%±0.17%,0.61%±0.14%,3.17%±1.70% (k=2), respectively.This set of reference materials that the matrix is soybean grand can be used for the quantitative detection of genetically modified soybeans content.
2011 Vol. 32 (z1): 106-109 [Abstract] ( 602 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (300 KB)  ( 577 )
110 Cooperative Value Verification and Uncertainty Evaluation for GM Maize TC1507 Matrix Reference Materials
ZANG Chao,FU Bo-qiang,SONG Gui-wen,MENG Ya-nan,WANG Jing,DONG Lian-hua,YU Xiao-bo,SUI Zhi-wei,LI Liang,YANG Li-tao
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2011.z1.28
Seven laboratories are organized to verify the value of three levels genetically modified TC1507 maize matrix reference material.The uncertainties of the multi-laboratories values are evaluated. The cooperative Rt-PCR results show that the values and uncertainties of genetically modified TC1507 maize matrix reference material are 0.41%±0.22%, 1.1%±0.4%, 4.5%±1.2% (k=2), respectively.
2011 Vol. 32 (z1): 110-113 [Abstract] ( 684 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (313 KB)  ( 566 )
114 Cooperative Verification of the Value of GM Maize MON810 Matrix Reference Materials with Q-PCR Method
FU Bo-qiang,ZANG Chao,SONG Gui-wen,MENG Ya-nan,WANG Jing,DONG Lian-hua,YU Xiao-bo,LI Liang,SUI Zhi-wei,YANG Li-tao
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2011.z1.29
For 3 kinds of maize matrix reference materials with different genetically modified MON810 maize contents, a multi-laboratory verification for their Q-PCR values is organized. The uncertainties of the multi-laboratory values are evaluated. By weighted average, the Q-PCR values and uncertainties of A, B and C levels of the genetically modified MON810 maize matrix reference materials are 0.51%±0.10%, 1.1%±0.2%, 4.7%±0.7% (k=2), respectively.
2011 Vol. 32 (z1): 114-118 [Abstract] ( 469 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (327 KB)  ( 582 )
119 Characterization of Genetically Modified Canola T45 Plasmid Reference Material
DONG Lian-hua,YU Xiao-bo,SONG Gui-wen,CAO Ying-long, LI Liang,WANG Jing,LU Chang-ming
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2011.z1.30
The key parameters of the real time PCR method for genetically modified canola T45 were validated , the results show that the real time PCR method can be used to co-validate the reference value for GM canola T45 reference material. Six laboratories are chosen to characterize the property values of GM T45 plasmid reference materials with the same method. The slop (PCR amplification efficiency), intercept and linearity coefficient of GM T45 genomic DNA and plasmid DNA are analyzed. The results show that the PCR amplification efficiency and linearity coefficient between genomic DNA and plasmid DNA are not significantly different. The statistic test shows the data from different labs are equal. The property value and expanded uncertainties for GM canola T45 plasmid reference material is 0.98±0.02 (k=2).
2011 Vol. 32 (z1): 119-123 [Abstract] ( 519 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (309 KB)  ( 822 )
124 The Radar Velocimeter Calibration Device Based on the Doppler of Principle
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2011.z1.31
According to the Doppler principle, the motor vehicle radar simulation test device is designed that can be used for field measurement. In a laboratory environment and the road installation site, the whole test on the radar velocimeter and vehicle speed automatic monitoring system,were carried out and the test data were compared with that the metrological laboratory in a satisfactory conclusion.
2011 Vol. 32 (z1): 124-127 [Abstract] ( 446 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (418 KB)  ( 688 )
128 Mathematic Model of Influence of Non-contact IC Card on the Read-write Equipment and Design of RF Matching Network
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2011.z1.32
According to the influence of non-contact IC card on parameters of read-write equipment,the corresponding mathematic models are established.By simulating with a set of parameters,the influence degree of the card on parameters of read-write equipment can be quantitatively calculated.In order to realize the best energy transmission between the IC card and the read-write equipment,a matching network is needed between the source and load to get the impedance matching. Finally the calculation formula of RF matching network of the read-write equipment is deduced and verified.
2011 Vol. 32 (z1): 128-131 [Abstract] ( 425 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (468 KB)  ( 518 )
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