Research on High Accuracy Current Comparator and Self-calibration Methods
WANG Wei1,2, LIU Xia1, HUANG Lu1,2, YANG Yan1,2
1.National Institute of Metrology, Beijing 100029, China
2.Key Laboratory of Electrical Quantum;Standards, State Administration for Market Regulation, Beijing 100029, China
Abstract:The structure and working principle of a new type of high accuracy current comparator are introduced, and the circuit structure of "shielded directional drainage" is proposed. The structure can basically eliminate the secondary winding capacitive leakage error, and eliminate the additional error introduced in the combination of the secondary winding, and improve the accuracy of the current comparator. In the range of current ratio 5 A/5 A ~ 5 000 A/5 A, the technical index achieved is better than 1×10-6. According to the characteristics of the "shielded directional drainage" circuit structure, the self-calibration method of multi-ratio current comparator is further proposed, and its calibration uncertainty is better than 2×10-7. This method has the advantages of high accuracy, good stability, simple operation and short time operation, which can effectively solve the long distance transportation and inspection problems of transformers in the past.
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