Research on 10 V Programmable Josephson Array and Its Bias Current System
WANG Zengmin1, LI Honghui1, DUAN Meimei2, WU Ran1, WANG Siyun2, LIAO Fujian1, WANG Lei1
1.National Institute of Metrology, Beijing 100029, China
2.Marketing Service Center,State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Co.,Ltd., Nanjing, Jiangsu 210000, China
Abstract:The structure of a 10 V programmable Josephson junction array and its superconducting characteristics was researched in detail. The bias algorithm and the bias electronics of the 10 V programmable Josephson array were studied. A new I-V curve scanning method by using a digital voltmeter instead of the oscilloscope was proposed, which greatly improves the evaluation accuracy of the superconducting characteristics. The experimental results showed that the critical current of each subarray was greater than 4 mA, and the minimum quantum voltage step width of each subarray is 1.5 mA, which is important for the research of cryocooled 10 V quantum voltage system.
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WANG Zengmin, LI Honghui, DUAN Meimei, WU Ran, WANG Siyun, LIAO Fujian, WANG Lei. Research on 10 V Programmable Josephson Array and Its Bias Current System. Acta Metrologica Sinica, 2025, 46(1): 99-105.
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