Research and Establishment of the New Generation Inductance Primary Standard
YANG Yan1,2, CHEN Yan1, WANG Wei1,2, HUANG Lu1,2, DAI Dongxue1, LU Wenjun1
1.National Institute of Metrology, Beijing 100029, China
2.Key Laboratory of Electrical Quantum;Standards, State Administration for Market Regulation, Beijing 100029, China
Abstract:The new inductance primary standard adopts the modified Maxwell-Wien bridge method, and proposes a method of non-inductive resistance to compensate for the influence of the time constant of bridge’s standard resistors, and independently develops a new inductance coaxial bridge. Based on the equivalent replacement of capacitive reactance and inductive reactance, a new method is proposed to directly trace the inductance value to the capacitance unit, which shortens the traceability chain. The new inductance primary standard reduces the uncertainty and expands the traceability range of the inductance value. It achieves the uncertainty in the reproduction of 100 mH and 10 mH inductance values to be better than 2 μH/H (k=1) at 1 kHz. The establishment of national new inductance primary standard has improved the national impedance measurement traceability system, which can unify the national inductance quantity values and will be used in a new round of international key comparisons of inductance (CCEM-K3).
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